Moral concerns are dominating fast food choices during children and adolescents due to health and obesity. People of today's generation are becoming obese due to not caring about their health. Today, obesity is one of the biggest problems in the world and this is due to the marketing strategies of such companies. Their strategy sometimes becomes unethical as they sometimes try to market their very unhealthy products as delicious healthy foods.

McDonald's advertising of fast food leads to an increase in sales of their food, which ultimately leads to health and obesity problems in children and adolescents. These types of companies make misleading claims and, even worse, their marketing specifically targets children who are comparatively easy to mislead.


McDonalds premiered the joyful toy meal nationally nearly a decade ago. These meals include burgers, fries, soft drinks with a variety of toys, pencils, wallets, erasers, puzzles, and more. Pairing toys with unhealthy foods can affect children's liking and choice. These gifts are made cheap and attractive. Children, which they see in TV advertisements, inspire a desire to eat fast food and also a desire to get toys. The relationship between fast food advertising and children's food preferences may be strong but regularly eating high-sugar and high-fat foods clearly increases health and obesity problems. The food they serve from their kitchen is in a way cooked long on the shelf and tastes so incredibly good that they are hard to resist
These companies make their food tasty by using artificial flavors and colors that are not at all good for health. The taste of food attracts a lot of innocent populations that include children and teenagers. These companies are trying to increase their sales and make profits without thinking about the health of the people. Children eat these fast foods more often for the sake of toys and teens who are addicted to taste and this affects their health.
Therefore, I think that these marketing practices are completely unethical by McDonald's and this is affecting people's health to a great extent.

Hence please go through my blog and give mw your reviews.
thanking you..
Abhishek Kumar Choudhary...


  1. I really like reading your blogs ,you know earlier i was greedy og jung food i used to visit macdonald very often but know i willl try to control myself and will try to avoid eating lots of jung food . thanks you ❤

    1. Its my pleasure if you learn something from my blog i wll try to inform u further about many other blog yes because jung food is not good for health and its waste of money also if you will eat healthy food it wll be good for you and and your money also.
      Well thank you for going through my blog

  2. I really love reading your blogs.
    You elaborate and explain things very nicely❤

  3. Thanks for making Mc Donald's company aware of and Health so that we are aware

    1. Yes it is every peoples right to be aware and know about everything.well thanks for going through my blog

  4. Good work.. Useful info and awareness

  5. Your blog was informative, suppose you are a MacDonald owner what you'll do to resolve the problem what you mentioned in your blog and in the same time you will make profit also.

    1. Thanks for going through my blog.If i will be the owner of the macdonald then i wll try to produce my own oil by refinaries that wll beneficial for the children and other people also i wll try to use the roasted material more than fried one that wll be good for everyone and will be profitable also.If i will use good product then everyone will like to be in macdonald.
      I think this will be a correct information.

  6. This blog was worth of reading a really informative and useful blog.

  7. Thanks fir going through my blog

  8. This blog was just Awesome,Helpful and also innovative.

  9. This blog was just Awesome,Helpful and also innovative.

  10. Great but don't you think they are doing for their profits and not to harm anyone?

    1. Yes, i know they are doing for their profits only and they are not harming anyone by their own intention and even no company intentionally harm anyone but they can use good oil and even peoduce their own oil or they can use roasted item much more than fried item.. hope its imformative..

    2. Thanks oh it's correct thanks for making me understood..

  11. Good research and an informative one

  12. I do completely agree with your views. Eat healthy & stay fit!

    1. Yes eating healthy is very good and by that also you can stay healthy..well thanks for going through my blog.

  13. Awesome blog bro after reading this blog i came to know the facts about this company that what they are doing and what they should do to improve their business as well .Well done bro.

  14. Yes sir you are right.
    But can suggest some ways also to stop childrens from going to these shops

    1. Children mind are so small whatever we will teach them or make them undetood that things only they will understand or the products which we will show more demand or teach them that it is good that thing only they will demand so we should try to improve our careness for children and also try not to give all things demanded by children.well thanks for going through my blog.

  15. Nicely explained, well done keep ur good work up. Really appreciated.


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