Do Animals most need justice courts instead of us?

How many of you have ever visited a circus? There can be a lot of positive answers flowing in my inbox right now, because there will hardly be anyone who has never visited the circus, right? Honestly I am also a part of the crowd. Now you must be wondering what is wrong with this? Its general, lateral entertainment is no harm, and I cannot disagree more with it. Now I ask you one more question how many of you have enjoyed the Ringmasters Show or Elephant Football Show? Yes, we all did it right, but have you ever thought from an animal's point of view? Did it sound entertaining to them? no right .

What I wrote on this, recently a very interesting newspaper report has come out. It was said that a Hong-Kong theme park that was being criticized for the Dolphin and Sea-Lion show has been forced by the Animal-Rights Organization to close the most criticized show. Finally a good news in the cold world!
Animal entertainment shows are not a new entity. If we dig some of the Romanian history we find that archaeological findings in Macedonia date back to 2,000 BC. (Library Index) revealed that the lions were kept in cages for the benefit of humans. Circus Maximus 2 BC in Rome And one of the most famous entertainment spots in history. Chariot races, which included horses, were the most popular and often resulted in the death of both humans and horses. Other popular shows were Lion and Human Gladiator fighting to the death. The stadium always reached a capacity of 2,70,000 spectators. Circuses are equally popular today. Although they are no longer involved in the fight to the death, the inherent act of animals performing against their will and living in unusual circumstances suggests cruelty.

Not only Hong-Kong theme parks, but also other examples such as Mexico City banning dolphinariums, which are banning the use of dolphins for public spectacles and entertainment shows. The Government of India has already banned the Big Cats show after the incident of a lion in the circus getting out of control and ending an entertainment show in a death circus.
Although new circus laws in India banned the use of big cats, elephants were exempted from the law and this is where we find another flaw in India's law-making process. Like how seriously elephants do not fall into the category of animals? Who has given us the right to take away their freedom?
We have become technologically advanced but at the same time have fallen in stages of moving ecologically. Just imagine that you are a lion and the lion that is always tame by you suddenly becomes your ringmaster, treating you the same way you treated him for ages. how would you feel?
It is a fact that unless you put your feet in your shoes, you will not know their feelings. Just because they can't talk like us or express their feelings, it doesn't mean they don't feel anything.
How many times have we overlooked a stray dog ​​that has been almost cold during these winter days? How many times have we teased animals by throwing stones and pebbles? Although many of us would not say so, but deep down inside us do we know that if we take such inhuman activities into account, we will surely loose our count?

Well let me tell you one incident of my life which is very well related to this issue of animal shading. I was 10 years old when I made my first trip to Alipur Zoo, the most famous zoo in Kolkata metropolis. Many of you know through my blog that if you have ever been to Bengal or have come from there, you would still know that place. I walked with my dad in hopes of seeing cheerful animals like we see on TV shows like Animal Planet and Discovery World. But that was when I found out that my perception was completely wrong. What happened was a zoo keeper opened a Royal Bengal tiger cage and threw a bucket of meat in front of it as it was time to feed the animal.The tiger did not even bother to smell that meat, let alone touch it. If you were at my place and once had a close look at the tiger's face, you would realize how shiny it has become, even feed on rancid meat to rot your life in a four-way closed cage Do when he should. Roam free in the jungle, hunting for their food. It was not only a tiger but other animals such as chimpanzees, hippos, crocodiles have also loosened their appetites. Who would want to see that he was finally seen in imprisonment. This was the day that I realized that human beings can go to any extent when it comes to making money. Using animals to earn money is a serious crime that needs to be seen as soon as possible.

If you have ever read about ancient birds, then you will know about an elephant-looking animal named White-mammoth. Why do you think they went extinct? This is because humans started hunting animals that were sold in the market for millions for their white enamel. Tell me if it was their fault that they had such awesome beautiful tusks? no at all. If you go to the main reason behind the extinction of most animals, it is mainly due to human activities, which is tragically still persistent.
In fact, we have forgotten that we humans are also animals who get their announcement back from the apes and that is why as co-animals we do not care what happens to other animals. Seriously when we realized that our negligence was causing genocide, we would not be able to do it in the future. If you ask me what are the measures that I can either recommend that we have got to change our mindset or for us these animals need justice courts more. Everything is in our hands, but the most important thing is that we have to reconcile our actions with our decisions to make full stop on such immoral practices of money making and self gratification.
Hence please go through my bloggive your reviews.
thank you...
Abhishek Kumar Choudhary.


  1. Its really touched my heart ,your blogs r the best 🖕

  2. It really touched me from inside. 🔥I understood why animals need to be taken care❤

    1. Yes every animal is needed to be taken cared. Well thakns for going through my blog.

  3. I agreed with your points what you mentioned in your blog, but my question is from you that do you take any initiative for these kind of activities for helping animals??

  4. Your block is very interesting whatever I read I can easily understand keep it up bro

  5. I too agree on ur point.. I cuddle relate to this.. N it is we who shud take the initiative..even individually.. nicely explained..

    1. Yes because every animal also need a safe and pure life .well thanks for going through my blog

  6. Your hardwork is visible 100% agreed to u it touches my heart and make my day.Appreciable work keep it up.

  7. A very well written blog.Valuable,informative,interesting and also conveying easily message to the People Reading this.

  8. Lot of efforts can be seen..and it is descriptive and useful

  9. Correct but what you think animal are not being taken cared in this place or any other place?

    1. Yes they are but they dhould be taken cared just like human beings because they also have heart they can also feel so they need more care...

    2. Oh thanks for clearing my doubt..

  10. Lot of respect for you for writing on such topic. Your hard work is much appreciated. Will love to read similar topic in future!

  11. Bro your blog is awesome .Animals must be saved and those who are harming animals they should be punished.Very informative and conveying blog bro.

    1. Yes because animals also having heart they also wants to live a safe and happy lofe if we will treat them as living beings then they will be safe and if we will treat them as animals then they will surely be get rod off because in our society animals means irritating,disturbing, disgusting and many more so they should be taken care of.well thanks for going through my blog.

  12. Nicely explained, well done keep ur good work up. Really appreciated.

  13. We all treat animals according to our convenience. cow gives milk but not for us those milk are for there calfs so why we use those milk for our purpose?
    We all need to stop taking animal's for granted.nice blog keep working.


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