
Showing posts from February, 2020


Volkswagen AG is a German multinational company founded in 1937. Headquarters in Wolf's Berg, Lower Saxony, Germany. The word Volkswagen in Germany means "people's car". It manufactures and distributes passenger and commercial vehicles. Largest vehicle manufacturer by worldwide sales in 2016 and 2017. Volkswagen Emissions Scam Announced in 2015 that "defeat devices" were put into diesel engines by the car The car company Volkswagen uncovered a corporate scandal to reduce pollution emissions during the trial and the organization's share price plummeted 40% in 2 weeks. The United States Environmental Protection Agency issued a notice to the Volkswagen Group for violations of the Clean Air Act. What has Volkswagen done? Volkswagen has fooled emissions testing compared to how much it pollutes its cars. The US Environmental Protection Agency has found that 482,000 VW diesel cars are 40 times more toxic than those plying on US roads, and Vo


Moral concerns are dominating fast food choices during children and adolescents due to health and obesity. People of today's generation are becoming obese due to not caring about their health. Today, obesity is one of the biggest problems in the world and this is due to the marketing strategies of such companies. Their strategy sometimes becomes unethical as they sometimes try to market their very unhealthy products as delicious healthy foods. McDonald's advertising of fast food leads to an increase in sales of their food, which ultimately leads to health and obesity problems in children and adolescents. These types of companies make misleading claims and, even worse, their marketing specifically targets children who are comparatively easy to mislead. MCDONALD'S HAPPY TOY MEAL ME McDonalds premiered the joyful toy meal nationally nearly a decade ago. These meals include burgers, fries, soft drinks with a variety of toys, pencils, wallets, erasers, puzzles,

Do Animals most need justice courts instead of us?

How many of you have ever visited a circus? There can be a lot of positive answers flowing in my inbox right now, because there will hardly be anyone who has never visited the circus, right? Honestly I am also a part of the crowd. Now you must be wondering what is wrong with this? Its general, lateral entertainment is no harm, and I cannot disagree more with it. Now I ask you one more question how many of you have enjoyed the Ringmasters Show or Elephant Football Show? Yes, we all did it right, but have you ever thought from an animal's point of view? Did it sound entertaining to them? no right . What I wrote on this, recently a very interesting newspaper report has come out. It was said that a Hong-Kong theme park that was being criticized for the Dolphin and Sea-Lion show has been forced by the Animal-Rights Organization to close the most criticized show. Finally a good news in the cold world! Animal entertainment shows are not a new entity. If we dig some of the Romani